Question: How often should I use Stabilized Granular Chlorine in my spa? My Test Strip is reading 0ppm.
Answer: As long as the water is clear and there are no odors, it’s ok if chlorine is 0ppm. By adding Stabilized Granular Chlorine, you are adding stabilizer to the water, which in the long term can force you to drain the water prematurely, sooner than 3-5 months. Since most people have ozone, we advise the use of a mineral stick, and use our Non-Chlorine Shock. Stabilized Granular Chlorine is recommended to use every 8-21 days based on symptoms of water clarity, bather load, and odor. We always offer FREE Water Analysis to help with any questions or concerns!

Question: Should I clean my Hot Tub Filters or buy new one(s)?
Answer: Hot Tub Filter(s) are recommended to be cleaned ONCE p/week to maintain longevity with your hot tub water. Often, many troubleshooting questions, such as my spa won’t heat or I am getting an error msgs on my upper control lead to dirty hot tub filters. Hot Tub Filter(s) generally last 1-3 years before being replaced for a new set. We can help you decide which is the best action to take and offer filters for many of the major brands of Hot Tubs!

Question: How often do I need to change the water in my hot tub? What happens if I don’t?
Answer: Water volume, bather load and frequency of use will determine when it is time to change the hot
tub water. Generally, the water should be drained and refilled in a hot tub every 3 months. If you choose
not to change the hot tub water, the water will be contaminated with Total Dissolved Solids or TDS (sweat,
detergent, body oils, etc.) Your water will also become over-saturated with chemicals (calcium chloride)

Question: When should I add balancing chemicals to my hot tub? I check a test strip 3 times per week.
Answer: Generally, we encourage multiple checks with Test Strips per week as a reminder to make sure the water stays in proper ranges with minimal fluctuation of pH and Alkalinity. Pick 1 day per week to make the calculated adjustment, as needed. After each use, we will encourage the use of Non-Chlorine Shock. It is good to apply chemicals with the hot tub cover open, water circulating when needed, and spacing out
multiple applications at least 4 hours apart. Free Water Analysis is free and always available at the store!

Question: What Water Care Products are must-haves to maintain hot tub? It’s time for me to Stock Up.
Answer: You will always want to have Test Strips or a Test Kit to check your hot tub water 2-3 times per
week. For Chlorine hot tubs, you will need Stabilized Granular Chlorine (every 8-21 days) and Non
Chlorine Shock (after each use). Bromine Users will use Bromine Booster after a refill and Bromine
Tablets for continuous sanitation in the hot tub. Alkalinity and pH Balancers are used in all hot tubs as
needed. Water Care Samples/Questions are always FREE in our stores! 315-414-0741 or 315-652-3853

Question: What Water Care Products are must-haves to maintain hot tub? It’s time for me to Stock Up.
Answer: You will always want to have Test Strips or a Test Kit to check your hot tub water 2-3 times per
week. For Chlorine hot tubs, you will need Stabilized Granular Chlorine (every 8-21 days) and Non
Chlorine Shock (after each use). Bromine Users will use Bromine Booster after a refill and Bromine
Tablets for continuous sanitation in the hot tub. Alkalinity and pH Balancers are used in all hot tubs as
needed. Water Care Samples/Questions are always FREE in our stores! 315-414-0741 or 315-652-3853

Question: Why is my pH always high when I test my hot tub water?
Answer: Several factors affect pH. Public water in CNY naturally runs high on pH. Heavy use inc.
detergents and soaps introduced to the water can cause the pH to gradually rise. In addition, chemicals
such as chlorine, pH up, or alkalinity can also cause the pH to rise. A simple, gradual adjustment with pH
down will help. Water Care Samples/Questions are always FREE in our stores! 315-414-0741 or 315-652-3853