Opening Your Above Ground Pool


  1. Pump or siphon the water from the top of the winter cover.
  2. Carefully remove the winter cover.  Clean and condition the cover before storing.
  3. Remove the air pillow.
  4. Connect the filter system (please refer to your owner’s manual for proper connection and start-up).
  5. Remove winter skimmer plate and the winter plug in your return outlet. Install the weir door and skimmer basket.
  6. Fill the pool to the normal operating level (to the middle of the skimmer face-plate).
  7. Clean the water line on the liner. NOTE: Do not use any household cleaners on your liner.
  8. Start your filter system.  If you have a sand filter, remember to start the filter on backwash to flush the sand for the season!
  9. Apply your pool opening chemicals (liquid shock, algaecide & clarifier).   
  10. Check for leaks and make sure the filter system is operating normally.
  11. Please bring a water sample to the store for analysis five days after applying opening chemicals to properly balance the water chemistry!

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